About Us
Our services are held at 11.00am each Sunday morning
Crossway Church has a small membership with an average congregation of 20 adults plus young people each week. We provide an intimate and relational fellowship that values each person and has easy access to the church leadership. We celebrate the diversity of the congregation in terms of ethnicity and culture and the influences that come from the Caribbean, Africa, Portugal, South America and the UK. We hope that nobody feels anonymous and there is a warm welcome for newcomers.
If you would like further information about the church and services please speak to one of the Ministers or the Elders
What happens on a Sunday
You are very welcome to come along to see our style of worship.
We start with a hymn or worship song, all words are projected onto a screen and you are encouraged to sing along with us. This will be followed by bible readings and prayers and followed by a talk based on the bible reading explaining what the bible teaches us and applying it to our everyday lives.
During the service we take up an offering to further the work of the church. Some of our members make a contribution at the service, others make a monthly direct debit to the church account.
Children and young people are invited to go to their own learning groups during the service on the Second, Third and Forth Sundays of each month.
On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate communion together and all stay together for an all-age service.
The service ends with a song and final prayer.
Our vision
- To be a sensitive Church for all ages, all cultures and all ethnicities.
- To welcome, engage and encourage people new to the community
- To be home to other Christian groups seeking to work together to serve the neighbourhood and other communities
- The building to be used 90% between the hours of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. made up of people of different ages and from many different backgrounds and walks of life.